10.03.2009 In a previous post I had mentioned that Sarah Bray (of Sarah Bray Photography) came over and took some shots of little Brodie. I am excited to say that she has posted some of the pics on her blog for everyone to check out! I can't wait to get the cd of the rest! Super exciting. For now, here is my favorite! He is just too precious (although I am biased). As for the rest of my life...it has been a really difficult week regarding sleep and breastfeeding. I think we are hitting every snafu possible, but we are hanging in there. Tonight Damon and I had our first night out without the little man. I had my 10 year high school reunion. It was a lot of fun! I was disappointed that certain people were not in attendance, but overall it was very enjoyable. It was kind of a microcosm of high school. But, now it is super late and as soon as these bottles are done boiling I am off to bed! I will write more soon...when I get more sleep!
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