9 months!

Brodie turned 9 months this past Saturday and yesterday I took him for his check up. He was such a good boy and only cried momentarily when he received his shots. He measured 29.5 inches in length which puts him in the 75-90 percentile. He weighted 20.8 lbs which puts him in the 50% and his head circumference was 17 3/4 which is in the 50-75%. He also scored very high on his gross and fine motor skills and as expected in communication and above average in social skills. Right now Brodie is crawling around like crazy and pulling up on everything...it won't be long before he's walking, I'm sure! He loves to play with his toys and he babbles all the time. We don't have any concrete words yet, more so dadadadadas and bababababas. Brodie loves the water, whether it be the bath, beach, or our pool and we try to go swimming quite often. And so far it does not look like his baby blues are changing one bit! We are loving watching him grow and explore and cannot believe how fast time is flying!

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