Damon and I were originally thinking that we would move Brodie into his own room when Ellie comes, but after giving it further thought, we felt that since they are both going to be in cribs for a while, we would rather have them in the room closer to us rather than on the other side of the house - so they will be sharing. This leaves us with 2 guest rooms (and very few guests)...so I asked Damon if he minded if I transformed one of the rooms into an office/studio space for me and he said he was fine with that.
So after selling my old camera...this past weekend Brodie and I took a trip to Ikea to spend that hard earned cash on some new items for the room. We got a new desk, some pictures frames, some organizing items, a scroll down shade (to help diffuse the light during peak hours), and new bedding for the daybed (we are keeping it in the room so it is still a functional guest room). I also have some old laminate flooring from our old house that I got down out of the old attic this week which I am going to use to make some faux floors out of. One is dark brown and the other is a medium gold. I pulled one of our shelving units inside from the garage and set it up with different organizing containers and had Damon set up my desk last night. It is really starting to come together.
I unfortunately need to go down to Ikea though tomorrow to exchange a frame - the glass broke when I opened it, so fingers crossed they let me return it - and I also have to return a piece I bought for the desk (I thought it was a pull out for the keyboard, but was wrong). This weekend I hope to set up the blinds and also figure out how I am going to set up my back drops. I still have to order some paper rolls too. Tonight I am going to move all my equipment from the hall closet to the closet in this room.
I am really super stoked about this and feel like it is such a good environment to work in - it's very light and soothing in there. I am excited to have some studio space too - and think it will be great for kid and newborn shots. I am hoping that I may be able to do some test shots this weekend with Mr. B. I'll get some pictures up of the room as soon as I am done - but for now here is one of Brodie playing in his cart at Ikea.

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