I can't believe it is already October. Today is beautiful. The air has a slight chill in it and the weather is perfect! I didn't have any time over the weekend to post new pics, so today I am just going to use phone pictures to try to catch up to speed a bit. First, I am 32 weeks today and super exhausted! I definitely feel pregnant! We have set up Ellie's crib in Brodie's room and have started making plans for the big day. Damon asked if we should pack the bag for the birthing center yet, which kind of makes me anxious ; ) I guess we should soon, but I figure not for a couple more weeks. I have just began my biweekly appointments for Ellie too. All the appointments so far have gone well - measuring normal and heartbeat is strong. My glucose test came back awesome too and my protein levels are excellent! I have another appointment today - and Damon is going to come with me to this one. He usually can't make it because of work, so it's a nice treat to have the company.
As for Brodie, he recently had his one year appointment at the doctor's. He measured 31.25 inches (90%) and 22 lbs (50%). He was so good at the doctor's too - he got 4 shots and only cried at the very last one (which was the doozy). Here are some pictures from the appointment.

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