So, it is interesting how much my view on daycare has changed since this time last year. Being raised by a stay at home mom, I always thought I would follow suit (and look forward to the day that I do get to stay home with the kiddos) and felt tremendous guilt for going back to work and putting him in daycare. But now I am actually feeling guilty that when Ellie gets here that we will be pulling Brodie out of daycare because he LOVES it there. I may try to figure out a way to switch over to a new daycare by our house and let Brodie either go for half days or a day or 2 out of the week just to be able to socialize and learn, but not sure if we can swing it financially without my paycheck. I am also thankful that my sister lives down the street with her 3 boys - so he has lots of friends to play with when I am home.

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