Yay! We have officially entered the third trimester! It is amazing to think of how fast this pregnancy is going. We are going to be bringing the baby home before we know it! This weekend Damon and I are going to hit the stores and create a registry. I can't believe how anxious that makes me. There is just so much to know and even with all the help of my friends and family I feel lost. I am sure we will figure it all out, but it is definitely overwhelming!
Yesterday I went and had more lab work done. I had the preliminary glucose test, where I got to enjoy a tasty (sarcasm high) orange drink of sugary liquid. The only thing cool about it was that once I drank it the baby was did flips in my belly for about 20 minutes. My whole stomach was shifting around! I tried to get it on video, but I wasn't quick enough.
I also had my first prenatal massage today which was AMAZING! A definite recommendation to anyone out there growing a baby in there belly - heck I recommend massages to anyone period! What a nice treat! I definitely look forward to making this a routine throughout the remainder of my pregnancy.

I felt really overwhelmed while registering too. But, after you have the baby, you'll breeze right thru Babies R Us :-)