So here are the pictures I promised from our fabulous trip to North Carolina! It was an amazing week of relaxing and spending quality time with family and friends. Although it is always nice to be home, we miss the mountain life already. Kayla and Saydi actually moped around the house the first few days we were home. They really were spoiled up there by their grandmas and grandpa!
Here are some shots of the family outside of the house. This is the view from their front porch! It is truly amazing! We spent a lot of time in the hot tub (of course lowered to 98 degrees for me) on the front porch just gazing away at the mountains - it is true serenity!
My mother in law has worked very hard on creating a magnificent garden on the side of the mountain. She is growing all kinds of wonderful fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, pumpkins, green beans, eggplant, cabbage, lettuce, corn, grapes, and all sorts of herbs. They even have an apple tree. Every night for dinner she would walk down to the garden and grab a basket of goodies for our was delicious. She also has a variety of beautiful flowers growing all around the house. Ironically the huge sunflowers grew accidentally from the sunflower seeds in the bird feeder. They truly are beautiful though.
And next are some candids of the mountain wildlife! Or just our two girls (Kayla & Saydi) and pops' kitties. The cats were so kind as to take a back seat for the week so our girls could come and visit. We are very appreciative of their flexibility! And speaking of wildlife...there was actually a bear that kept lurking around the house. I never got to witness it, but the first morning we were there Damon saw it walking up the path to the house while walking the pups. Needless to say he got into the house real fast - so no pictures were taken, but my in-laws have some video of the bear from a previous visit to their front porch!
And lastly..some pictures of my father in law's art work. He found a piece of marble last year and began to sculpt it into a work of art. He is working on creating a sleeping cat out of the marble and hopes to be done sometime this year. I can't believe how difficult of a task this is. Damon and I got him a piece of Alabaster that is much softer than the marble for his next project, but I am truly amazed with the work he has done so far! I know I couldn't do it.
great pictures! i think i'm coming with you next time ;-) that garden looks fantastic.