32 weeks!

I am 32 weeks today and we had our biweekly check up this morning. All looks well. Baby is measuring at 33, my blood pressure is good, my weight gain is on track, and the baby's heart beat is 148.

I still feel pretty good overall, although I am definitely feeling more pregnant than I have thus far. The baby moves a lot which is wonderful to feel - except when it likes to lodge its foot into my rib cage or donkey punch by bladder...but otherwise, it is great to feel him/her moving about. I am also finding myself having more trouble sleeping through the night. The dreams are getting more vivid and I am definitely feeling uncomfortable laying on my side - even with the pillows strategically placed for comfort. It seems that the only time I feel like I am in a deep sleep is right before the alarm goes off. But either way, I still feel very lucky and am optimistic that I will adjust enough to get adequate sleep.

Every day Damon and I do a little bit more to get ready for the little one. We can hardly believe we are only 8 short weeks away from being a family!


  1. Its very exciting... but I too hate being donkey punched in the bladder... it happens way too often!!! Like now! But your looking fantastic!!

  2. Congrats Jess! I can't wait to find out what you guys have. I am guessing BOY!!!

    As for the vivid dreams... I had them a lot too while pregnant, but now they are much more vivid. I think it is due to the fact that I have interrupted sleep each night, and I can just remember them a lot more. Our dear Bobby is *this close* to sleeping thru the night. :-)
