On to carrots!

Today Brodie moved onto vegetables and ate carrots for the first time! He loved them and polished off the jar in no time! I feel so lucky that I have a good little eater! Fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx myself and that he continues to adapt well to all these delicious changes! Although we have had a couple of rough nights, a little prune juice at bedtime helped alleviate the problem and we had a nice successful evening of sleep again last night!

All together we seem to be getting the hang of the morning routine pretty well and mommy and daddy decided to go ahead and carpool today since it is mommy's first full day back at work (moan). We are headed over tonight to see Grandma Diane and Grandpa Don for dinner as well as Aunt April, Uncle Wes, and all the cousins. Then once Brodie is asleep mommy is slipping out for a girls night out (wine and cheese please)!

(P.S. I realized that if I take pics on my phone then I am much more likely to blog because it is so easy to upload the pics and I don't have to worry about any hardware - so although the picture quality is a little lower I should be posting more often again!)


  1. Oo So far Mason likes everything Orange!

  2. What a sweet face! He's such a doll. Glad he's a good eater for you! And enjoy your night out tonight. I know you've earned it.
