So yesterday my sister and I met to go to the park in our neighborhood. Brodie walked all the way from our house to hers...(which is a big accomplishment for a kid who just learned to walk last month) and then within 20 steps of getting to our destination - the park - he face planted into the concrete sidewalk : (
My heart dropped as I saw him trying to catch up to his cousins by running (not a skill he has quite mastered) and lunge forward into the sea of concrete. Ouch! He was so good though, he only cried for a minute and then was giggling on the swing. Here are some pics of him last night - although I have to say, it looks much worse in person.

agreed, it looks worse in person. he was a champ though. LOL, cutie.
ReplyDeletePoor kid! Bobby had his first busted lip this past Friday!