Alright, I know I have been bad at blogging, but truthfully being 9 months pregnant, working full time, raising a 1 year old, and working on expanding my photography business has kept me a little preoccupied. This week though I am going to be good! I am going to start at the end and work backwards, but I promise back to back blog postings this week to catch everyone up on our recent activities. Things to look forward to include Stephen's bday party, a day at the park, a Halloween party, and today's post focused on Halloween!
Overall I have to say Halloween was awesome and completely exceeded my expectations! I didn't think it was going to because I had failed to get Damon and I costumes and so it was just Brodie who was dressing up. Originally I had a plan for coordinating costumes for the whole family, but after hitting a few thrift stores and finding myself unsuccessful - I gave up. Also - the day felt pretty full and like always we were cramming in more stuff than we had hours in the day, so I was worried that Brodie may poop out before we even got to trick or treating - especially since we weren't even leaving the house until 30 minutes before his bedtime. But let me tell you...this boy loved Halloween!!!
First off, he didn't fight me one iota about wearing his costume - despite the fact that it was hot out, the costume was made of fleece and completely kept blocking his vision ; ) We met over at my sister's house to begin the trick or treating and she had bought them all matching little candy bags which Brodie held onto the whole time! We brought the wagon in case the kids didn't want to walk, but Brodie didn't last long in there because I didn't want him to miss out on the excitement of going to the door and getting candy. So he would follow his 2 older cousins who helped guide him to the door (at times following their lead of knocking on the door) and waited patiently to get his candy. The neighbors would hold out the big bowl of candy and Brodie would reach in and grab a piece, holding it up as if it was the most amazing thing in the world and gasp in excitement. At this point JJ or Casey would help him put the candy in his bag and move on to the next house. It was one of the most entertaining and adorable things I had seen. I was so proud of him walking the majority of the time and really participating in the activities. We got to my house around 7:30 and called it a night as the nephews continued on to do a little more trick or treating. Brodie had his first piece...well few bites of...Halloween candy and then went to bed. I still smile thinking about what a good time that little boy had and how much excitement it created to pick out his own candy.

(Grandpa and his boys)
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