My dear sweet Ellie,
I just wanted to let you know how truly excited we are for your arrival. Daddy and I are looking forward to meeting you and finally getting to hold you. We wonder what day you will join our family, how big or small you will be, what color your eyes and hair are, and what your disposition will be. There are so many surprises to look forward to. It has been exactly 4 months since we last saw you through the ultrasound and we are super anxious to get to see you in person. Mommy also can't wait to hold you in her arms, because I think I am running out of room in my belly : ) I just wanted to let you know that we love you very much and look forward to having you here with us...so please (please, please, please) feel free to come and join us as soon as you are ready (special request from mom for that to be today).
Mommy & Daddy

no phone call, i assume she didn't come!