Well, we are still adjusting to all of the changes in our lives, but things are getting better. We are starting to get back into the swing of things in regards to our schedule, but has taken a lot of work. Brodie seems to have mixed feelings about the whole big brother thing. Although he seems to love his little sister and gives her lots of kisses and gentle love pats, he also seems to be mourning his loss of only child status. Today we spent some time on the patio playing, which allowed me time to test out my new 85mm lens (yay!). I am hoping that soon both kiddos will be on the same nap schedule which will give me a little more time to work on my projects (i.e. editing!!!)....I know I still have a lot to complete right now, including Ellie's newborn pics. Right now Damon is holding Ms. Ellie, so the way I see it I have about 10 more minutes before she starts crying and wants to feed...lol.
Other updates - Ellie now weighs 6.15 oz and is just completely adorable. Brodie is continuing to build his vocabulary. He know says - mama, dada, dog, book, bubbles, ball, grandpa, up, down, all done, socks, and shoes. He may have some more words, but I either can't remember then right now or can't decipher them just yet. Like I said before he really is all about his new little sister. He loves to give her kisses, to pat her head, and to have her hold his finger. He also runs to make sure she is okay when she cries and finds me a pacifier to give her as well. It is too cute!
For more pictures from today check out my photography blog - jreganphotography.com
Glad you guys are getting the hang of things! The pics are great!