I can't believe almost two months have gone by without a single blog post! It feels similar to when I was in grade school and I would forget to write in my diary - it caused me anxiety and then I would keep putting it off and putting it off until I would just give up and then eventually start a new diary. Well, I am not going to do that...I am just going to apologize and then try to be more diligent. I finally feel like I am getting some order to the house and that we are on some sort of schedule. So...I am hoping to make time several times a week to update the blog.
Well now Ellie is about 2 1/2 months. She is a little over 10 lbs and falls in the 25-50% for weight and height. She has started smiling and cooing which is certainly adorable! She gets up about 2 times now in the middle of the night and the longest stretch she has had so far without waking is 7 hours!!! Yay Ellie!
Brodie is 16 1/2 months and getting into everything! What a personality on this kid. He likes adventure and exploring. He spends a lot of time hanging out in his playroom and also outdoors. He is building his vocabulary by the day. Some of the words he has picked up in the past two months include grandpa, ice, football, Ellie, baby, and outside. He is still a pretty good eater, but now he has learned about sauces and LOVES to dip all his food in something - which becomes pretty messy. I guess he takes after his mom.
I'll do some updating this week and post some pictures from the past two months, but for now I have 2 kiddos to attend to. I will leave you with this picture of me and all my kids that Damon took on his phone last week! Excuse my appearance, I had just returned home from the gym...lol.

enjoyed the post and pic...it's been awhile